In the last few years, WhatsApp has emerged as one of the most important mode of communication for most. From official communication to chatting with friends and family, it has become the tool that millions of people across the world use. However, it’s important not to misuse the platform as it may result in your account getting banned or suspended. Also, remember, your WhatsApp account can be blocked or banned without you being informed or notified about it. “We may ban accounts if we believe the account activity is in violation of our Terms of Service. Per our Terms of Service, we may retain the right to ban you without notification,” as go the WhatsApp’s terms and conditions, according to GadgetsNow report.
So, here are 10 things that may lead to you getting banned from WhatsApp.
Sending illegal, obscene, defamatory or threatening messages: Yes,
as per WhatsApp’s terms and conditions, you can be banned for sending
“illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, intimidating, harassing,
hateful messages”.
Violence: Messages promoting violent crimes too can get you banned by WhatsApp
Creating fake account of someone: Another thing that can get you banned from WhatsApp is “impersonating someone”.
Sending too many messages to users who are not on your contact
list: As per WhatsApp’s, “...sending illegal or impermissible
communications such as bulk messaging, auto-messaging, auto-dialing, and
the like; or..” too is against its terms and conditions
Trying to alter or modify WhatsApp app code: Another thing that can
get you offloaded from WhatsApp is trying to play with or tweak
WhatsApp app’s code. As the company says in its terms and conditions,
“...reverse engineer, alter, modify, create derivative works from,
decompile, or extract code from our Services.”
Using WhatsApp to send viruses or malware to other users: WhatsApp
also strictly prohibits sending viruses or malware to other users using
its platform.
Trying to hack WhatsApp servers or to spying on someone: You may
also lose your WhatsApp account if you try to hack WhatsApp servers or
try to collect information about other users illegally.
Using WhatsApp Plus: Using the third-party app WhatsApp Plus too
may get you banned from WhatsApp. As the company says on its website,
“WhatsApp Plus is an application that was not developed by WhatsApp, nor
is it authorized by WhatsApp. The developers of WhatsApp Plus have no
relationship to WhatsApp, and we do not support WhatsApp Plus. Please be
aware that WhatsApp Plus contains source code which WhatsApp cannot
guarantee as safe and that your private information is potentially being
passed to 3rd parties without your knowledge or authorization.”
Getting blocked by several users: You can also be removed from
WhatsApp, if too many users block you. This means that if too many users
block you in a short span of time, chances are that you may end up
losing your account.
Other users reporting against you: WhatsApp also allows its users
to report a contact or a group from their profile information. If
WhatsApp finds their complaint legit, it holds the right to deactivate
your account.
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