I'd recommend starting with learning about Elo rating systems, which is how rating points are given and taken away in PUBG Mobile.
There's some tier protection in place. Let's say you're at 1733 and lose 47 rating points in a round. Instead of losing all 47 points, you only lose 33 and end up at 1700. Now, if you gain points in the next round, nothing to worry about. However, if you lost even one point in that next round you'd drop back to 1699 and your previous tier.
As far as the tier progression, it's pretty simple. Everyone starts at Bronze V, earning 100 points results in a promotion to Bronze IV, another 100 points for Bronze III, and so forth. Every tier is a 100 point range.

Adding on to this:
Points gained / lost depend on the tier you are on. Lower tiers you will gain more / lose less, as you progress into high Gold, low Plat is when it gets "harder" to gain easy points for just playing.
Squad points are calculated the moment YOU die, so even if the team gets chicken dinner, you could lose points because you got knocked out early game.

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